What Teachers Are Saying About Audrey Vernick's Visits
“It was such a pleasure having you visit our school. The students were utterly engaged as you shared your writing process. Many of them shared later that they had already implemented some of your suggestions. The teachers were impressed with your ability to make writing tangible, especially for students facing writer’s block. Many teachers asked later if you were an educator before becoming a published author because you managed the student audiences with such ease. The tips you shared that have helped you in your writing, helped the audience see that we all have a story to tell and often we can begin writing with a simple observation. After your presentation my students and staff could see that stories are everywhere.”
—Amy Miele, librarian, South Valley Elementary School, Moorestown, NJ
“As a K-5 school librarian, it can be challenging to select an author who can engage all grade levels. Add a pandemic on top of it, and engaging students in one more remote session compounds the challenge. A fantastic solution for K-5 schools is Audrey Vernick. Creating a buzz about the author’s book is essential in preparing for a visit. Audrey’s mix of picture books and middle-grade novels will hook all readers. In my 25-year career, I have observed well over 200 authors present, and Audrey easily ranks in my top ten. Her contagious positive attitude, enthusiasm for sharing her craft, and her honest reflections on the writing process kept students and teachers highly engaged. The high level of student engagement is a result of the manner in which Audrey connects with students. Keep in mind: this session was provided remotely! Audrey has a grace and kindness that made each student and staff feel like they were chatting with a long-time friend. Such an instant and meaningful connection is a rarity in this socially distanced world we currently find ourselves living in.”
—Jane E. Martellino, media specialist, International School at Dundee, Greenwich Public Schools, Greenwich, CT
"The teachers have been stopping me in the halls to tell me how much they enjoyed your visit. Your presentations were informative, engaging, and most of all, enjoyable! The children loved listening to you and your stories--and so did I!”
--Susan Soroko, school media specialist, Stephen J. Gerace School, Pequannock, NJ
"It was a fantastic day!!! Rarely have I received so much positive feedback about an author visit from students and teachers. Thank you for inspiring our readers and writers.”
--Judy Schultheis, school librarian, Erdenheim Elementary, Flourtown, PA
"Your unique presentation and approach to writing kept a group of 600 students captivated and fascinated! Our teachers and students raved about how hilarious you were throughout your presentation and several of them expressed that this was the best assembly we've ever had at our school. Many of our students are now inspired to become writers."
--Melissa Camarena, library-technology tech., Hedenkamp Elementary School, Chula Vista, CA
"Mrs. Vernick met with children in grades pre-K-4 and kept all of them engaged and entertained. Teachers were impressed with her ability to keep the children focused and the fact that she reinforced everything our teachers present in their writing instruction ... Students loved the fact that inspiration can come from so many places."
--Lorri Ann Wahlgren, librarian, Wanamassa Elementary School, Wanamassa, NJ
"Our students thoroughly enjoyed meeting Audrey Vernick; her presentation kept the kids engaged and energized! She helped them make real-life connections, and she reinforced writing tips that the teachers had presented in class. Her books FLEW off the library shelves after her visit!"
--Rita Painter, librarian, Menchaca Elementary, Austin, TX
"The lessons you taught our students are already surfacing in their writing. You were energetic, well-spoken and funny. The website has tons of information and teachers' guides which were very helpful to prepare for the visit. It was fantastic!"
--Laura Healy, media specialist, Randall Carter Elementary School, Wayne, NJ
"Your suggestion for thinking up topics for writing was so clever it made our students realize that they have that creative potential within them as well! What greater gift could you give a student than that? One of my veteran teachers said she thinks you were the best presenter we ever had, and that alone speaks wonders for you because we have had quite a few!!"
--Eileen Raszka, media specialist, Coles Elementary School, Scotch Plains, NJ
“You are so friendly and approachable; kids and teachers remarked about how much they enjoyed listening to you and meeting you. One of our first-grade teachers appreciated how you tailored your presentation for our youngest students and kept them engaged. Your insights to authoring books and interacting with the publishing industry were very interesting and enlightening. Meet-the-author lunch was a hit with our students because you kept the conversation going. Thank you for making the day special and inspiring for everyone at our school!”
—Vickie Geannakakes, media specialist, Mountview Road School, Morris Plains, NJ
"I wanted to thank you for your wonderful visit to Frenchtown. Your anecdotes added a personal flavor and created a strong connection with students and staff. I heard directly from teachers that the discussion continued into the classroom, and students were enthused about everything you presented."
--Diane Strever, assistant principal, Frenchtown Elementary School, Trumbull, CT
"We had such a great time during your visit last week. Several teachers have stopped me in the hallway to tell me that was one of the best author presentations we have ever had. The students made meaningful connections and were totally engaged in your presentation."
--Josephine Schneider, educational media specialist, Newbury School, Howell, NJ
"I have received a lot of positive feedback from teachers. You had a great way of bringing your ideas of places to get inspiration down to little kids’ levels."
--Katherine Farrington, librarian, Ridge Park Elementary School, Conshohocken, PA
"We loved having Audrey Vernick in Rhode Island! Our teachers were so thrilled that her presentation spoke to their curriculum and our Reading Week theme. One teacher shared that she never had so many students choose writing as a station until her inspiring visit."
--Katie O'Kane, library teacher, Primrose Hill Elementary School, Barrington, RI
"Audrey Vernick gave our school a day we will always remember! She showed our students ways to be a better writer in dynamic, creative and humorous presentations. Each one so appropriate to their age level! We were thrilled! Our students loved her and so did our teachers.”
--Sheila Sienicki, lower school librarian, Dwight-Englewood School, Englewood, New Jersey
"It was a terrific day, the best author visit we've had in my time at the school! We can't keep any of your books on the shelves. There's a waiting list for all of them!"
--John Lohn, media specialist, William J. McGinn Elementary School, Scotch Plains, NJ
"Your presentations were perfect, especially since you had different presentations for Pre-K to K and grades 1/2. You did a lovely job highlighting different aspects of writing and storytelling based on the age of your audience. Our first- and second-graders learned so much about the real process of getting ideas and the work of revision and perseverance. Our kindergartners and special-needs preschoolers were engaged in your fun stories and learning about being a writer."
--Lindsey Brooks, media specialist, Town Center School, Plainsboro Township, NJ
"The visit was fantastic. The presentation was organized, entertaining and informative. It was beneficial to give our input about what would be meaningful for our kids. The students learned to follow what you love and to revise!"
--Ellen Raupp, fourth-grade teacher, Hawes Elementary School, Ridgewood, NJ